MACLEA offers two 600+ hour day academies each year, with sessions beginning in the spring and fall. These academies equip students with the knowledge and hands-on training required to earn a POST License, preparing them for a successful career in law enforcement. Upon completion of the academy, students will also earn college credits.
Since our first class in 1994, the Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy has been committed to developing recruits who are mentally prepared, physically fit, and ethically grounded. Our program combines classroom instruction, rigorous physical training, and live-action exercises to ensure students are proficient in the skills needed to perform police duties at a high standard.
Academy Sessions
Our academy classes provide 600+ hours of basic training, meeting the standards required for law enforcement certification, along with additional Taser certification and OC Spray certification, giving students a well-rounded foundation in both essential and specialized skills.
We offer two sessions each year:
Spring Academy: January through May
The deadline to apply is November 1
Fall Academy: August through December
The deadline to apply is June 1
Both academies run Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., offering an immersive and comprehensive curriculum that prepares recruits for the physical and mental demands of law enforcement.
Tuition & Fees
Application & Testing Fee: $100
Accuplacer Test (if applicable): $15.00
Fingerprint and Background Fee: $44.80*
Tuition: $6,000
Lab Fee: $500
Uniforms: $955.23*
Bookstore: $298.57*
Approximate total cost: $7,913.60
* Amounts are approximate and subject to change. Updated on October 21, 2024.
Grant Opportunities
Academy students will apply for this scholarship together as a class. Please do not apply beforehand.
East Missouri Action Agency holds an orientation every Wednesday at 10 a.m. to assist individuals with this grant. For more information, please contact them at 573-518-2431.
Our philosophy is based upon high expectations for ourselves and our recruits. We recognize that law enforcement is not simply a job, but a position of respect and trust. This respect cannot be bought; it can only be earned and cultivated. Through our training, we strive to instill self-discipline and a high standard of personal and professional conduct in each recruit. Staff and recruits alike subscribe to the MACLEA Honor Code, which, like in the public, demands integrity beyond reproach.
The acquisition of knowledge is a never-ending process of personal and professional development that must be pursued with vigor. MACLEA provides our students the opportunity to improve their level of knowledge, enhance their competence, demonstrate self-discipline, and, above all, be held accountable. These are the essential components of a professional law enforcement officer’s performance of duty.
We acknowledge the public’s trust by demanding the best from our recruits and, in turn, giving them our best. The Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy’s standards are high, as are the demands and expectations of the public we serve.
MACLEA Training Philosophy
MACLEA Minimum Eligibility Requirements
Age & Citizenship Requirements
Anyone interested in attending the Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy must meet the following age and citizenship requirements:
Must be at least 18 years of age;
A recruit cannot test for P.O.S.T. licensure in the State of Missouri until they reach their 21st birthday.
Must be a U.S. Citizen
Educational Requirements
Recruits must meet specific academic standards to be admitted into the academy:
High School Diploma or GED:
Recruits must have one of the following:-
A high school diploma from an attendance-based, accredited school (not online or computer-based programs)
An equivalent GED certificate
Accreditation for Non-Public High Schools:
Graduates of non-public high schools must provide documentation showing the school’s accreditation by the Department of Education in their state. If the school was not accredited, a GED certificate must be submitted. -
College Placement Tests:
Recruits must pass one of the following:-
ACCUPLACER: Minimum score of 31 in Writing
ACT: Minimum score of 14 in English
If the required scores are not met, completion of Basic Writing Skills II is required.
For information on GED programs or testing locations, contact the Assessment Office at (573) 518-2202.
Criminal History Requirements
Anyone interested in attending the Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy must meet the following Criminal History requirements:
Possess a valid Missouri driver’s license;
Have not received a DWI or related arrest within the last 3 years or
Have not received more than two (2) DWIs within the past ten years;
Have no drug or related arrest in the last three years; and
Not be under any Full Order of Protection where you are the respondent.
Have never been convicted of ANY felony;
Have never been convicted of an offense above the grade of a Class B misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the past ten years but
The Academy MAY approve the application of a person who was convicted of a Class B misdemeanor at least five (5) years before application if the individual sufficiently demonstrates in writing with supporting documentation that mitigating circumstances exist with the case and the individual applying for licensure and that the public interest would be served by reducing the waiting period;
Have never been convicted of any Domestic Violence offense;
Is not prohibited by state or federal law from operating a motor vehicle;
Is not prohibited by state or federal law from possessing firearms or ammunition;
Have been subjected to a background investigation and interviewed by academy staff if warranted.
Is not currently on any Community Supervision/Probation for any offense.
Health Requirements and Drug Testing Policy:
Anyone interested in attending the Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy must meet the following Physical requirements:
Has been examined by a licensed Physician who is licensed to practice medicine in the State of Missouri;
The physician must be familiar with the duties appropriate to the type of license sought and training to be attended;
The recruit must be declared in writing by that professional within ninety (90) days before the scheduled beginning date of the academy.
ALL potential recruits will be drug tested periodically during the testing period and throughout the academy. A positive drug test will result in immediate dismissal from the program.
Tattoos and Appearance Guidelines:
Visible tattoos or brands must follow these guidelines:
Neck and Arms: No tattoos below the wrist or visible above the collar of the academy polo shirt.
Hands: One ring tattoo per hand (on fingers only) is allowed.
Content Restrictions: Tattoos promoting racism, violence, discrimination, or indecent material are prohibited.
Exceptions to this rule may be made on a case-by-case basis by the Director.
Military Service:
For recruits with military backgrounds, the following discharge conditions are not permitted:
Other Than Honorable
Bad Conduct
Any discharge indicating bad character
Our goal is to admit individuals who demonstrate the physical ability, academic proficiency, and moral character necessary to complete the academy and contribute effectively to law enforcement. We ensure that those selected are fully prepared for the demands of the profession. Admission to the academy is based on state law requirements and our experience with police recruits. The selection process ensures that recruits possess the necessary fitness, academic, and psychological readiness to succeed. Each recruit must meet or exceed the standards outlined in the physical fitness and academic tests to gain entry.
Physical and Medical Requirements
Recruits must meet the following physical and medical standards:
Medical Examination:
Must be examined and declared physically fit by a Missouri-licensed physician familiar with law enforcement duties.-
This certification must be within 90 days of the academy start date.
Physical Fitness Test:
Recruits will undergo a three-part physical fitness test, which includes:-
Sit-ups: Minimum of 10 in 1 minute.
Push-ups: Minimum of 10 in 1 minute.
1.5-mile run: Must complete within 20 minutes.
Tests are administered in sequence with rest periods in between. Failure in any part results in elimination from the program.
Drug Testing Policy:
Recruits may be drug tested during the selection process and throughout the academy.
A positive drug test will result in immediate dismissal.
Psychological Requirements
Recruits must take the following written psychological screening:
Psychological Aptitude Test (PAF):
Recruits will be evaluated in five areas:-
Racial Acuity
Use of Force
Any caution indicators may result in a follow-up interview to assess the recruit’s suitability.
Fingerprint Requirements
All recruits admitted to the Law Enforcement Academy are required to submit fingerprints for a background check. Detailed instructions on where and how to submit fingerprints will be provided in the acceptance packet, which is sent after successfully completing the initial testing phase. Any criminal or moral arrests/convictions will be reviewed by the Academy Director, who has the authority to deny entrance based on the nature of the offense.
Nondiscriminatory Policy
The Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy admits students of any race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the Academy. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its training policies and other academy-administered programs. Mineral Area College is committed to equal opportunity in employment and admissions. Any inquiries or concerns about discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, ancestry, or veteran status may be directed to the Office of Human Resources, 5270 Flat River Rd., Park Hills, MO 63601.