Welcome to the new MACLEA website! Feel free to click around and familiarize yourself with our new features.

Law Enforcement Academy
If you are interested in our Law Enforcement Academy, please read through the information provided in the Law Enforcement Academy tab and our Frequently Asked Questions. If you feel like the police academy is right for you, you can complete the Academy application online. If you don't find the answers to your questions online, please reach out by phone, email, or stop by! We are happy to assist you in your new journey of becoming a Law Enforcement Officer.
CEH Courses
If you are a POST-certified police officer looking for CEH courses, please check out our CEH Courses tab to see the current schedule. New classes are added often, so keep checking back! If there is a class you're looking for, please send us a message, and we will see what we can do to add it to the schedule.
New to the website: If you have found a CEH course that you would like to register for, you will notice that you will be prompted to create an account. This new feature will allow you to log in and keep track of your upcoming and past courses.
Unfortunately, we can no longer accept payments online, though we hope to in the future. When paying for your course, we accept cash, checks, and money orders; cards are accepted in person or over the phone. When registering for your class, you will be prompted to enter a mailing address or an email address to receive your invoice; in most cases, your invoice will be sent out the same day to the address or email address listed.
If you encounter any issues with the website, please let us know so we can look into them. We hope this new site will be a positive step toward the future success of MACLEA, and we look forward to connecting with you both online and in person!